by Alberto Breschi | Jan 16, 2017
Santa Teresa. Un progetto di rigenerazione urbana per Firenze.Santa Teresa. AA.VV., DIDA Press, Firenze, 2017 This texts concerns the transformation and restoration of a section of the ex-prison of Santa Teresa in the Historic Centre of Florence to be used for the...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Ricostruire dopo il terremoto. Il caso di Castelnuovo (AQ): analisi e progetto architettonico AA.VV., Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 2011 The knowledge base and the typo-morphological interpretation of the settlement of Castelnuovo are the founding elements of the...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Nuove energie. Cinque tesi di laurea sulla trasformazione dell’ex inceneritore di San Donnino Alberto Breschi, Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 2010 A collection of projects for the rehabilitation and insertion in a green area of the ex-incinerator of San Donnino...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Vivere sul fiume. La rinascita della Valle del Bisenzio Alberto Breschi con Alessandro Pagliai, Giovanni Todesca, Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 2009 A project which concerns the whole river for the reconstitution of the permeability between built system and natural...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Amata Città AA.VV., Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 2010 “We asked ourselves whether the city in which we live responds to our desires, if it represents our aspirations in terms of civil coexistence, cultural offer, or simply as an everyday habitat. I believe that by...