Master Plan for the High-Speed Railway Station in Florence

Master Plan for the High-Speed Railway Station in Florence

Master Plan for the High-Speed Railway Station in Florence Firenze, First prize international competition and consulting project feasibility, 1997-1999 Project Alberto Breschi, Loris Macci, Sergio Mazzoni, Marco Sala, Luca Zevi, Transit Design, Bruno Zevi  ...
Rehabilitation of the ex-incinerator of S. Donnino

Rehabilitation of the ex-incinerator of S. Donnino

Rehabilitation of the ex-incinerator of S. Donnino Arezzo, 1998 Project Alberto Breschi, Flaviano M. Lorusso     READ MORE The large abandoned building for waste disposal has been reconverted into the opposite function as a museum and centre for research on...
New paving and urban furnishing of Piazza S. Agostino

New paving and urban furnishing of Piazza S. Agostino

New paving and urban furnishing of Piazza S. Agostino Colle Val d’Elsa, 1997 Project Alberto Breschi, Luca Furiozzi, Daniele Ravagni READ MORE The project for the renovation of the square is based on the creation of a perfectly flat rectangle that averages the slight...
Arredo urbano e nuova pavimentazione di via De Castro

Arredo urbano e nuova pavimentazione di via De Castro

Arredo urbano e nuova pavimentazione di Via de Castro Oristano, 1996 Progetto Alberto Breschi, Pierpaolo Perra, Salvatore Trogu   READ MORE Il progetto di ripavimentazione e arredo di una strada del centro storico persegue una particolare attenzione alla memoria...
Banca del Chianti fiorentino

Banca del Chianti fiorentino

Banca del Chianti Fiorentino Firenze, Concorso di idee, 1995 Project Alberto Breschi, Flaviano Maria Lorusso   READ MORE Morphology, road layouts, existing buildings and historical memory become the traces, the ingredients with which to gather sense and add the...