by sbreadmin | Feb 24, 2000
Shopping centre Bangkok, 1994 Project Alberto Breschi, Flaviano M. Lorusso, Claudio Pellicoro READ MORE On a given structural shell a great Department Store and the restyling of the annex skyscraper for offices, a hotel, a restaurant and a multi-storey...
by sbreadmin | Feb 23, 2000
Yokohama international port terminal International competition, 1992 Project Alberto Breschi, R. Fedi READ MORE All the various and articulated functions envisaged by the competition announcement are englobed in a single structure that unites to the...
by sbreadmin | Feb 22, 2000
Nature Museum in the area of the ex-Macelli Firenze, 1991-92 Project Alberto Breschi (coordinatore progetto architettonico), Loris G. Macci (coordinatore generale), Giuliano Maggiora, Antonella Cortesi, Marino Moretti, Marco Sala, Massimo Bianchi, Eugenio Martera,...
by sbreadmin | Feb 18, 2000
Projects for the urban rehabilitation of industrial archaeology Prato, 1991 Project Alberto Breschi con Tommaso Caparrotti, Paola Falaschi, Flaviano M. Lorusso, Pier Paolo Perra READ MORE Some examples of the rehabilitation of buildings belonging to the...
by sbreadmin | Feb 17, 2000
First lot of the new Art Institute Cascina, 1990 Project Alberto Breschi con Massimo Bianchi, Eugenio Martera, Paolo Setti . READ MORE The project is based on the hierarchical privilege of the morphological layout that is organised as a rectangular...