by sbreadmin | Feb 10, 2000
Housing and the city Barcellona, concorso internazionale, 1988 Progetto Alberto Breschi, M. Bianchi, E. Martera, P. Setti READ MORE Il progetto ricerca una nuova e più attuale interpretazione dell’Ensanche Cerdà, reinterpretando le corti interne degli isolati...
by sbreadmin | Feb 9, 2000
New urban figurations Firenze, 1987 Project Alberto Breschi, Flaviano Maria Lorusso, Reza Massoud Ansari, Pasquale Bellia, Oliviero Baldini, Gino Boccabella READ MORE The new urban figurations significantly represent a way through which young architects (students and...
by sbreadmin | Feb 8, 2000
Terraced-type apartment building Pistoia, 1987-89 Project Leonardo Savioli (coordinatore), Alberto Breschi, Paolo Galli, Walter Saraceni, Danilo Santi READ MORE The residences are organised along a “bar” which serves as a morphological connecting tie-beam...
by sbreadmin | Feb 5, 2000
Restoration and expansion of a residential complex Pistoia, 1985 Project Alberto Breschi, Gianfranco Biagini, Alessandro Gioli READ MORE The project originated from the need to verify in a social housing complex the static resistance of the structures and the...
by sbreadmin | Feb 3, 2000
Integrated complex of social and health structures, nursing homes and services Pistoia, 1986-93 Progect Alberto Breschi con Reza Ansari, Flaviano M. Lorusso. READ MORE The complex of combined functions known as “Urban Pole”, is an element of transition and...