by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Lo spazio della contaminazione. Architettura della memoria e frammenti di arte contemporanea Alberto Breschi e Eugenio Martera, Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 2004 The hypotheses for the insertion of ‘fragments’ of the Centro Pecci collection in one of the...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
La collana di Perle AA.VV., Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 2003 The purpose of this volume is cognitive research and hypotheses for valorisation regarding non-state run museum structures in the province of Florence, and analyses, following a survey programme established...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Spazi della Gioia e dell’espressione ad Arezzo Alberto Breschi e Flaviano Maria Lorusso, Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 1998 In the urban dimension of Arezzo and of its province, the rehabilitation of the ex-incinerator for taking on such an innovative function...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Firenze: permanenze e metamorfosi AA.VV., Alinari, Firenze, 1996 This text is the catalogue to an exhibition which prefigures, although partially, and limited to the small spaces available in the building at the Belvedere, a model of a “museum of the city” founded,...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Kilivani. Sei progetti architettonici in Sardegna AA.VV., Alinea Editrice s.r.l., Firenze, 1994 The text is a collection of projects for Sardinia by young Sardinian architects. Being aware of the possible danger of a nostalgic reference to the past, and of the...