by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Opere e progetti di scuola fiorentina 1968-2008 Fabio Fabbrizzi e Alberto Breschi, Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 2008, pp. 210-225 et. al. The architecture of the Florentine School today, analysed through the personal project processes of three generations of architects...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
EXIT. Segnali e fermenti di una nuova generazione di architetti AA.VV., Artout Maschietto Editore, Firenze, 2007 The purpose of EXIT is linked to the need to discuss contemporary architecture once again, involving in this debate a younger audience, such as recent...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Città-Identità-Spazio Pubblico, Quaderno di Architetture Città e territorio AA.VV., Edifir Edizioni, Firenze, 2007 This notebook on ‘Architectures, City and Territory’, documents the result of a workshop coordinated by Alberto Breschi on the subject of a...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Parco delle cave. Seminario di progettazione di un ambito periurbano nella città di Cagliari AA.VV., Mondadori Electa S.p.A, Milano, 2006 The various episodes of the proposal are articulated into the complexity of the various functions and, based upon the respect for...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Museinonsolo Alberto Breschi, Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 2005 The text is aimed at exploring issues related to the design of museum spaces that are alternative to the current models. New and ‘different’ typologies are investigated and hypothesised, which...