by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Boulevard, Progetto di riqualificazione urbana a colle val d’Elsa AA.VV., Nuova immagine Editrice, Firenze, 1994 This project of urban re-qualification for Colle val d’Elsa regards the drafting of a project of feasibility aimed at the creation of a new circulation...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Il Museo di Storia Naturale nell’Area Ex-Macelli Alberto Breschi, Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 1993 To design a Museum of Natural History implied three challenges. First: understanding the features of a modern Museum of Natural History, its scientific and social...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
La città possibile AA.VV., Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 1991 This volume gathers the proposals for the re-conversion of some industrial archaeological buildings in Prato with the purpose of constructing that identity that the history of the factories represents for the...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Conservazione o mutamento. Un contributo progettuale per la città di Pistoia della Facoltà di Architettura di Firenze Alberto Breschi, Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 1988 This volume gathers a few experiences of project concepts in urban design on topics mostly connected...
by sbreadmin | Dec 1, 2016
Nuove figurazioni urbane. Disegni/Progetti di architettura per Firenze contemporanea AA.VV., Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 1987 The new urban figurations significantly represent a way through which young architects (students and graduates) of the Faculty of Architecture...