by sbreadmin | Apr 16, 2000
Not only parking lots Firenze, 2013 (Breschistudio Associati) Coordinators Alberto Breschi, Mardia de Santis, Flaviano Maria Lorusso READ MORE The traffic crisis that results from the great number of vehicles in circulation in cities, together with...
by sbreadmin | Apr 8, 2000
The Museum of Contemporary Art of Florence from the rehabilitation of Angiolo Mazzoni’s Thermal Plant Aggiornamento anno 2010 dell’omonimo progetto di ricerca del 1970 (Breschistudio Associati) Project Alberto Breschi READ MORE The building of...
by sbreadmin | Apr 8, 2000
Total Space for the Fortezza Da Basso Aggiornamento anno 2010 del progetto Florece to be saved del 1973 Project Alberto Breschi READ MORE The Fortezza da Basso is one of the most important Medici monuments in Florence and is used for events such as conventions...
by sbreadmin | Apr 7, 2000
Living along the river: feasibility hypotheses at the urban scale for services and equipment in the Val Bisenzio Vernio, 2009 Project Alberto Breschi (responsabile), Alessandro Pagliai, Giovanni Todesca con Lino Bellia, Carla Chiodini, Franco Querci, Stefano Baldi,...
by sbreadmin | Apr 6, 2000
Plan for the reconstruction of Castelnuovo all’Aquila after the earthquake of 2009 Aquila, 2012-2014 (Breschistudio Associati) Project Alberto Breschi, Andrea Vignoli, Pasquale Bellia, Giovanni Ghini, E. Del Monte, C. Giannoni, B. Ortolani, A. Borghini, A....