by sbreadmin | Apr 6, 2000
Residence theme park: high-profile co-housing Firenze, 2008 (Breschistudio Associati) Project Alberto Breschi, Andrea Branzi, Barbara Camocini READ MORE For the ex-headquarters of Telecom in Florence on Via Masaccio an intervention is proposed for its...
by sbreadmin | Apr 6, 2000
Residence theme park: I.T. platform for study and work Firenze, 2008 Project Alberto Breschi, Andrea Branzi, Barbara Camocini, Giovanni Todesca READ MORE The re-qualification project proposed in the area of the station of S. M. Novella, near the Railway...
by sbreadmin | Apr 5, 2000
Residence theme park: Minimal housing for an advanced society Firenze, 2008 Project Alberto Breschi, Andrea Branzi, Barbara Camocini, Giovanni Todesca READ MORE Within the general framework of social housing, the overall objective of the proposed intervention...
by sbreadmin | Apr 3, 2000
Residence theme park: Residences-workshops Firenze, 2008 Project Alberto Breschi, Andrea Branzi, Barbara Camocini, Giovanni Todesca READ MORE The great complex of Sant’Orsola is re-qualified according to a functional-mix, highlighting its...
by sbreadmin | Feb 18, 2000
Projects for the urban rehabilitation of industrial archaeology Prato, 1991 Project Alberto Breschi con Tommaso Caparrotti, Paola Falaschi, Flaviano M. Lorusso, Pier Paolo Perra READ MORE Some examples of the rehabilitation of buildings belonging to the...