Tower-type apartment buildings
Pistoia, 1983-87
Alberto Breschi, Paolo Galli, Walter Saraceni, Danilo Santi
The tower-type building is characterised by the insertion, at three-storey intervals, of large collective terraces, a sort of small suspended “squares” on which the balconies for access to the other storeys and their residential service terraces. Its compositive articulation attempts in fact to push the typological limits of the “tower” by dividing it into high prismatic elements, planimetriacally opposed to each other, and pulled together, yet separated, by an interval placed as an actual vertical “urban space”. The technology used for the walls in reinforced concrete creates an image of a compact built mass highlighted by the dotted effect of the windows, some of which are projecting, with sharp triangular frames, underlining the chiaroscuro depth of the central distributive system.