by sbreadmin | Apr 16, 2000
Not only parking lots Firenze, 2013 (Breschistudio Associati) Coordinators Alberto Breschi, Mardia de Santis, Flaviano Maria Lorusso READ MORE The traffic crisis that results from the great number of vehicles in circulation in cities, together with...
by Alberto Breschi | Apr 16, 2000
Nautical centre and accommodation facilities in the island of Asinara Trabuccato, Concorso internazionale, 2012 (Breschistudio Associati) Project Alberto Breschi, Claudia Giannoni, Sandro Roggio, Gavino Gavini, Sergio Bionda READ MORE The...
by sbreadmin | Apr 16, 2000
Renovation of the Coppedè building in the Breda ex-industrial area Pistoia, International competition, 2008 (Breschistudio Associati) Project Alberto Breschi, Claudia Giannoni READ MORE The project envisages the rehabilitation of the building for...
by sbreadmin | Apr 16, 2000
Prato Crematorium Prato, 2012 (Breschistudio Associati) Project Alberto Breschi, Claudia Giannoni, Matteo Cecchi READ MORE I cremated my father a day in February 2007. It was a luminous day, one of those surprises that the month of February...
by sbreadmin | Apr 10, 2000
Underground car park in Piazza Brunelleschi Firenze, 2012 (Breschistudio Associati) Project Alberto Breschi, Claudia Giannoni, ASI progetti integrati srl READ MORE The aim of the project is both the building of the underground car park and the complete...