by sbreadmin | Mar 23, 2000
Restoration project and functional adaptation of the ex-Compagnia Battilani Firenze, 2007 Project Alberto Breschi, Paolo Taddei, Giacomo Tempesta, Claudia Giannoni, studio Spira srl READ MORE In 2004 the University of Florence decided to transfer...
by sbreadmin | Mar 22, 2000
School Campus at the ex-cattle market of Florence Firenze, 2002-2007 (Breschistudio Associati) Project Alberto Breschi, Loris Macci, Francesco Stolzuoli READ MORE The project hypothesis for the new integrated educational pole derives from a...
by sbreadmin | Mar 21, 2000
Industrial regeneration and project for the New Council Hall in Prato Prato, International competition, 2006 Project Alberto Breschi, studio Spira s.r.l., Paolo Taddei, Tommaso Chiti, Giacomo Tempesta, Claudia Giannoni READ MORE The urban...
by sbreadmin | Mar 20, 2000
New Auditorium for the city of Isernia New Auditorium for the city of Isernia Project Alberto Breschi con Giacomo Benvenuti, Paolo di Nardo, Eugeno Martera, Eugenia Valacchi, Carlo Baistrocchi, Stefano Magnani READ MORE “Square, architecture, landscape”:...
by sbreadmin | Mar 19, 2000
New entrance to the Santa Verdiana University Complex and renovation of piazza Ghiberti Firenze, First prize international competition, 2005 Project Alberto Breschi, studio Ferrara Associati, Barbara Lami, Eva Parigi, Matteo Zetti, Giovanni Todesca READ...